Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How Time Flies My Girls...

It's hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by.  Each day I look at my girls and wonder where it's all going.  Although I enjoy every moment I can with them, there's always that feeling of just wanting to stop time.

I can't believe where the time has gone because they are 3 years old and 19 months old.  They do so much already and they are no longer like babies, but more like young little girls.  They teach me how to cherish each moment in life and how to look at the simple things.  They probably will continue to teach me more than I ever thought I knew.

Now with them both in my life I could never imagine my life without them.  They mean the world to me and they always will.  I know they will grow to be wonderful and do great things in life.  I can't wait to see all the things that they will accomplish.

I can't even explain all the ways that they make me feel.  I just know that I am overwhelmed inside with lots of love and emotions for them.  Ava, you are an amazing and fun spirited girl.  Sophia, you are a joy and a sweet girl.  Although somewhat different you are both the same as you hold a very large piece of my heart.

Take time to enjoy life, the moments that pass us by and the experiences shared.  Always and forever you will be my little girls.  No matter what, mommy will always love you.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Children, Family, Friends and Social Life

When you have a family you realize that the friends you once had may not be there as much as they were before you had a family. It's funny how in the past I heard people say that others think that their friends have moved on because now they have kids and they just don't have the time or they are not in the same playing field anymore.
When people have kids it's not like it's the end of their social life.  I don't think anyone should put an automatic stamp on that. 
Everyone wants a bit of a social life, whether with children or without.  The courtesy of asking as you would before family should still be there.  Parents know that there are events that are kid friendly and events that are only for adults, but shouldn't the the call be made by them(invitee) and not others(inviter)?
All of a sudden when non-family friends begin having families they then start wanting to hang out again.  Coincidence, I think not. 

I've seen and heard it happen to others several times and it has happened by experience at some point as well.

If you are a friend, you should still continue to be a friend, family or not.  No discrimination applied. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Was that a Hurricane or just torrential downpour?
I really didn't expect much when hearing of it all on the news in the anticipation of it reaching us, because to me it just felt like when meteorologists report crazy snowstorms where nothing actually falls but a flurry.

Although there was tons of wind and rain, it didn't really seem to be much of a Hurricane.  For what was reported on the TV, it again seemed to be another one of those situations where there was extreme and initial excitement all around, but somewhat of a disappointment to follow.

Many folks are struggling with water in their homes, flooding in their streets, businesses may struggle due to the impact, but it all remains that this seems to be the same as any other major rainstorm that we may have had throughout the year, just with some crazy winds reaching about 100mph. 

And if you are reading this and you were in the path of this Hurricane, I do hope that you are doing well and that you didn't incur too much damage within your home.

It's a blessing that with the prediction of this being a direct impact to the East coast, we didn't really have any major casualties. 

2011 has brought some crazy things through here, we will see what may be in store for the remainder of the year.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Gosh!  I love pictures and I just can't get enough! 
Lately I've just been going stir-crazy and I want to take pictures of everything but want more creative ways to express ourselves within the photos.

Life's moments pass us by so quickly and I feel as though pictures help to bring those memories back and everything back to life. 

I am looking of new subjects to photograph and new projects to take on.  I hope to add some pictures on to this blog soon.  Would love to capture friends and family in photographs more often.

Life is an adventure, capture it!

I welcome new ideas. :)
Blahg you later,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Be Fabulous! because you are!

Show your inner beauty!

Present yourself with confidence. Dress to impress, not only others, but mainly yourself.  When you dress up it makes you feel good about yourself.  Try it out, you will see your attitude change.

Acting polite and showing good manners helps to make a person completely fabulous! Treat others how you'd like to be treated and being nice and kind is how everyone should be.

Always be yourself.  You are very important and never let anyone tell you otherwise. 
Stay true to you and everything you do.  Positive attitude = a positive YOU.

If you ever feel like you are not worth it, you are ABSOLUTELY wrong!  You are Fabulous and Amazing!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Direct sales and you...

Below are a few of my favorite direct sales companies.
Feel free to contact me about any of the below exciting companies for products, party hosting and further information.  I will put you in contact with the appropriate person as needed. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

It'a heat wave out there...

I can only imagine what people with no air conditioning feel like...
This heat is a killer.  Just walking out the front door to the car is a task in itself.  
I wonder what everyone is doing to keep themselves refreshed and cool.
I would believe that most people are either enjoying some pool time or sitting inside their homes with their air conditioning on the coldest setting.

You may find me running around in your front lawn through the sprinklers or taking a dip in your pool or your kid's pool.  It's just that hot that I may be just a bit delirious.  Any other suggestions are welcome.  

Let's hope that we can feel the cool breeze come through soon so that we can all enjoy the summer the way we should.

Stay cool!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Relationships(friends and family)

Relationships are a huge deal for me.
What are they to you?
Over the years I've grown to learn a lot, whether by own experiences or by experiences from others.  
Over time you grow to learn who will be there for you when you absolutely need.  It's a shame when you realize that the friends or family that you thought were your closest are the ones that won't be there when you need them the most.  Or that when something exciting happens to you, they are not as happy for you as they would be if it were them.
When friends and family get married, have kids, get promoted, buy a house, get a new job or anything major and exciting that happens in their life, I am genuinely happy for them and wish them all the best.  Why is it that it doesn't seem the same in return?
It seems as though the saying should go; 'all for one and one for one'.

Or when they are only around when they need something from you and once that's complete, they aren't to be seen or heard from until the next use of you. Or socializing with others they don't really know, but claiming as though they do and forgetting who their actual friends were from the start. It's rude.

It seems people tend to go more towards the people that talk about them behind their back and forget those that actually care about them...Must be like the saying; 'nice guys finish last.'  I won't be fake in order for someone to like me and seeing people be two-faced is extremely bothersome.
They also say 'kill them with kindness,' but sometimes it kills to see the return.
Don't claim to be family when you leave the most important people out and only re-engage them in your life for your short term benefit.  Don't claim to be a friend when you can't return simple gestures.

Everyone's life changes, but you make room for those most important in your life. 

So think about what you have done to someone lately and how you've left them out...Think if you have been inconsiderate of someone's feelings. Or how you've treated those who have been there for you and treated you like family.

Good things come to good people...they may need to wait a little longer, but in time, they will come.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Casey Anthony Release

Wondering what most folks think about Casey Anthony walking free starting tomorrow.

It's crazy how quickly time has passed from the first time we heard about the horrific news about the loss/death of her daughter to her trial hearing to her release date.

I wonder what her life will be like when she is out...Will she go into hiding?  Get a makeover/plastic surgery?  Change her name?  These are just the slew of different things that I've been seeing in the news in regards to what might happen.  It's also incredible to hear that complete strangers are offering her money and refuge. 

Already a woman has taken matters into her own hands by crashing into another woman whom she claimed to look like Casey Anthony. 

Honestly, I don't really care what happens to Casey at this point...whether she is innocent or guilty, she was neglectful of her child.  She didn't report her missing until after 30 days and she had detectives and volunteers in a wild goose chase.  Take it for what it's worth, but whether or not she killed her child, she's still guilty in my mind for that simple fact.

When all is said and done, we just need to remember a beautiful life that was lost because someone made a HUGE mistake.  I hope that everyone keeps Caylee in mind when her mother is released.  Leave a porch light your ducktape with a heart on it, or even just pray that she(Caylee) is now in a safe place where she can no longer be hurt.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Facebook Etiquette

Facebook Etiquette

Although it may be great for networking and marketing, it really doesn't allow for the privacy that we all once had. 
There are no separation lines between people we once knew and people we now know. 

It's a door opened far too wide to see what's going on in each others homes, life and work.  

A tool which should be meant for communication purposes of keeping in contact with others such as long lost family members and friends or a tie between distances has now turned into a grossly populated web of drama and way too much information for all to know.

Here's a neat clip:

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The things kids say...

Kids really do say the silliest things and they are so smart too.
Starting at the age of 1 for's crazy how they know so much.
Be careful what you say around them because they will pick it up and just say it when you least expect and 99.5% of the time it's hysterical.

"Don't touch my brulees"
"Mom, I love you so much"
"Dad, you're the best dad in the whole word"
"My clothes are done, they're done upstairs"
"Are we putting money in your bank?  my bank is at home it's a pink piggy bank"
"Everything smells so good now" <<<this after covering practically every layer of the room with baby powder.
"This is broken, papi needs to fix it"
"This needs batteries, go get some"
"There's no more <insert something we're out of> we need to go to the store and buy some more"
"barbeque sauce"
"Oh no! she made a mess, what the hey!"
"I can do it!"
I love my kids!
There's just so much more that they say.  Everything is so cute and funny.  I'm savoring what I can until the day they start talking back to me.  :)  
I'd love to hear what others experiences are and what their kids say. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Common Courtesy

Maybe I am old fashioned, but I think there is such a thing as common courtesy, which seems to truly lack all around.

-saying please, thank you and you're welcome
-holding a door
-non foul language
-keeping out of others business
-knowing boundaries

Whether it's at work, outside or at home these are practices that should be best followed.  Lack of common courtesty and plain ol' kindness is what's making us look so ugly.  We really  need to look at ourselves and see how we would like to be treated and then treat others that same way.  Kill them with kindness!  I know it's hard at times, but give it your best shot.

I wonder what others think about this.

First Blog

Ok, so this is my first blog post, so be kind and give me a few to get myself together with this. 
I am going to blog about practically everything. 
From every day life, news, kids, family, friends, places to visit, foods to try, video games, new technologies, I will be posting from the outside looking in or even just from my own real life experiences. 

I hope you enjoy the blog, find it entertaining, interesting, informative and just fun to read.
I'll keep it simple and to the point.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Being a Mother

As you grow up you never truly realize how much a mom does and how much she absolutely loves, cares and worries for you until you have children of your own.

The very best blessing in my life was during the birth of both my beautiful girls.  Although they are still at a very young age I would say that I suffer a lot with worrying about them both immensely.  I want to protect them forever and never see them be hurt in any way.  I want to always see their wonderful smiles on their faces, see the crazy things they do, and hear the quirky things they say.

So to everyone who has children, is expecting, or will have in the future, it is one of the most amazing experiences in your life to have a child, see them grow and raise them.  Watch them run around and play, see them smile and talk, fall and get up.  Each day is a new day of them teaching you how to enjoy life all over again.

For those who are unable to have children, there's a reason for everything and you just have to view it as that...You may have been made stronger for another path in your life.  And of course there are other options out there. You are truly an amazing person, period.

For those who choose not to have children, it's your choice and you know what's best for you and your life which of course is completely respectable.

We all had a mother.  We should all be thankful for being here and knowing that our mothers made US happen.