Saturday, July 16, 2011

Casey Anthony Release

Wondering what most folks think about Casey Anthony walking free starting tomorrow.

It's crazy how quickly time has passed from the first time we heard about the horrific news about the loss/death of her daughter to her trial hearing to her release date.

I wonder what her life will be like when she is out...Will she go into hiding?  Get a makeover/plastic surgery?  Change her name?  These are just the slew of different things that I've been seeing in the news in regards to what might happen.  It's also incredible to hear that complete strangers are offering her money and refuge. 

Already a woman has taken matters into her own hands by crashing into another woman whom she claimed to look like Casey Anthony. 

Honestly, I don't really care what happens to Casey at this point...whether she is innocent or guilty, she was neglectful of her child.  She didn't report her missing until after 30 days and she had detectives and volunteers in a wild goose chase.  Take it for what it's worth, but whether or not she killed her child, she's still guilty in my mind for that simple fact.

When all is said and done, we just need to remember a beautiful life that was lost because someone made a HUGE mistake.  I hope that everyone keeps Caylee in mind when her mother is released.  Leave a porch light your ducktape with a heart on it, or even just pray that she(Caylee) is now in a safe place where she can no longer be hurt.

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