Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How Time Flies My Girls...

It's hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by.  Each day I look at my girls and wonder where it's all going.  Although I enjoy every moment I can with them, there's always that feeling of just wanting to stop time.

I can't believe where the time has gone because they are 3 years old and 19 months old.  They do so much already and they are no longer like babies, but more like young little girls.  They teach me how to cherish each moment in life and how to look at the simple things.  They probably will continue to teach me more than I ever thought I knew.

Now with them both in my life I could never imagine my life without them.  They mean the world to me and they always will.  I know they will grow to be wonderful and do great things in life.  I can't wait to see all the things that they will accomplish.

I can't even explain all the ways that they make me feel.  I just know that I am overwhelmed inside with lots of love and emotions for them.  Ava, you are an amazing and fun spirited girl.  Sophia, you are a joy and a sweet girl.  Although somewhat different you are both the same as you hold a very large piece of my heart.

Take time to enjoy life, the moments that pass us by and the experiences shared.  Always and forever you will be my little girls.  No matter what, mommy will always love you.

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