Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The things kids say...

Kids really do say the silliest things and they are so smart too.
Starting at the age of 1 for's crazy how they know so much.
Be careful what you say around them because they will pick it up and just say it when you least expect and 99.5% of the time it's hysterical.

"Don't touch my brulees"
"Mom, I love you so much"
"Dad, you're the best dad in the whole word"
"My clothes are done, they're done upstairs"
"Are we putting money in your bank?  my bank is at home it's a pink piggy bank"
"Everything smells so good now" <<<this after covering practically every layer of the room with baby powder.
"This is broken, papi needs to fix it"
"This needs batteries, go get some"
"There's no more <insert something we're out of> we need to go to the store and buy some more"
"barbeque sauce"
"Oh no! she made a mess, what the hey!"
"I can do it!"
I love my kids!
There's just so much more that they say.  Everything is so cute and funny.  I'm savoring what I can until the day they start talking back to me.  :)  
I'd love to hear what others experiences are and what their kids say. 

1 comment:

  1. About the bank comment... My heart swells with pride over a money-conscious toddler. Start 'em early, Jenni! Learning to save for a rainy day is such an important skill to have.
