Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Was that a Hurricane or just torrential downpour?
I really didn't expect much when hearing of it all on the news in the anticipation of it reaching us, because to me it just felt like when meteorologists report crazy snowstorms where nothing actually falls but a flurry.

Although there was tons of wind and rain, it didn't really seem to be much of a Hurricane.  For what was reported on the TV, it again seemed to be another one of those situations where there was extreme and initial excitement all around, but somewhat of a disappointment to follow.

Many folks are struggling with water in their homes, flooding in their streets, businesses may struggle due to the impact, but it all remains that this seems to be the same as any other major rainstorm that we may have had throughout the year, just with some crazy winds reaching about 100mph. 

And if you are reading this and you were in the path of this Hurricane, I do hope that you are doing well and that you didn't incur too much damage within your home.

It's a blessing that with the prediction of this being a direct impact to the East coast, we didn't really have any major casualties. 

2011 has brought some crazy things through here, we will see what may be in store for the remainder of the year.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Gosh!  I love pictures and I just can't get enough! 
Lately I've just been going stir-crazy and I want to take pictures of everything but want more creative ways to express ourselves within the photos.

Life's moments pass us by so quickly and I feel as though pictures help to bring those memories back and everything back to life. 

I am looking of new subjects to photograph and new projects to take on.  I hope to add some pictures on to this blog soon.  Would love to capture friends and family in photographs more often.

Life is an adventure, capture it!

I welcome new ideas. :)
Blahg you later,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Be Fabulous! because you are!

Show your inner beauty!

Present yourself with confidence. Dress to impress, not only others, but mainly yourself.  When you dress up it makes you feel good about yourself.  Try it out, you will see your attitude change.

Acting polite and showing good manners helps to make a person completely fabulous! Treat others how you'd like to be treated and being nice and kind is how everyone should be.

Always be yourself.  You are very important and never let anyone tell you otherwise. 
Stay true to you and everything you do.  Positive attitude = a positive YOU.

If you ever feel like you are not worth it, you are ABSOLUTELY wrong!  You are Fabulous and Amazing!